Arise Racing is one of Australia’s leading motorsport service providers. It has been designed to deliver the highest quality Race Cars, Coaching and Special Events, to cater to anyone from the Track Day Enthusiast to the Professional Racing Driver.

Arise Racing competes both locally and nationally. Our high performance Race Team provides the depth for any driver from young talented racers cutting their teeth, to the ranks of Professionals… to learn, grow, and win.
MoreArise Racing operates one of the leading Driver Development facilities in Australia. We specialise in all aspects of performance, and can tailor programs to suit the novice starting out, the track day enthusiast, recreational racer, and all the way up to the seasoned professional driver.
MoreIf you can imagine it, we can create it. Elevate your next special event with the Arise Racing team. From local and national track days, corporate events, and B2B networking our experienced team will customise an event to deliver an unforgettable experience.
MoreArise Racing is one of Australia’s leading motorsport service providers. It has been designed to deliver the highest quality Race Cars, Coaching and Special Events, to cater to anyone from the Track Day Enthusiast to the Professional Racing Driver.